Clothes Do Matter

  • Sarita Maheshwari Sharda
  • India
  • Jan 20, 2012



Clothing is not so much about fashion, as it is about function. It is so not much about style, as it is about lifestyle and personal style. It is not about ego. It is about self-concept, self-esteem and self-confidence.

We frequently encounter the ‘clothes don’t matter” outlook. This outlook is appropriate in only two situations – one in an extreme emergency, and the other in the best of times. Nowadays clothes matter a lot, and qualify as a powerful resource – to create impact, and achieve our goals in life. 

Everyone is in the public eye – whether through job interviews, traditional media, social networking, or all-pervasive video recorders and cell phone cameras. It is also very apparent that along with good academics and aptitude, one needs to possess a sound character, high self-esteem, confidence and a magnetic personality – to be able to succeed in this competitive world, and achieve our goals. Clothes are tools to achieve our goals. They become part of your body image, acting much like a second skin in creating new physical boundaries.

Clothes speak a lot about you, even before you get a chance to say a word. It is also true that a person takes hardly 3 seconds to form an impression about you, and it is this first impression that stays with him/her for a long time. Clothes are silent communicators—immediate and important communicators—that play a major role in our everyday life. They cannot NOT communicate. Every detail—be it color, lines, shapes, pattern and fabric—is loaded with meaning. 

Clothes are image makers for all occasions, if they are sorted out with these 4A’s:

Appropriate for the occasion and person. Your appearance should not be distracting.

Authentic for yourself. The way you want to be seen, and feel. Consistent with your lifestyle and personal style. 

Attractive. Looking at you is a pleasant experience; nothing about your appearance is disturbing. Harmony between design elements, tasteful use of accessories – with one focal point.

Affordable: Looking like you are not in pain; in fact, actually having fun with fashion.

Bottom line - With today’s personal and professional demands, your wardrobe has to work as hard as you do. Understanding the language of clothes will help you build a wardrobe that will help ensure that you and your clothes speak the same language. 

(Certified Image Consultant)


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