My garden is full of weeds
No good deeds from past life karma
My dharma I did not know
So ignorance grew a lot of rubble
Thistle & thorn, stubble
True knowledge is like new seeds
Sown with good intentions
And good deeds
Will grow, however slow
The garden of mind and thoughts will
Bloom with happy things
Roses, lilies, jasmines
It does take time
A lot of patience
More right knowledge
To nurture the seeds I sow
Of good health and happiness
Good nature and good will
The traits to be tranquil
The will to weed out, throw away
The waste thoughts, which decay
Soon I will learn the power of
I will feed my thoughts with happiness
Take swigs of happy tonic
And I know however slow
My garden will grow
Spring will flower in my heart
And bloom with joy, fun & laughter
I will not have to run after...
Shobha Lidder
Writer, Journalist, Teacher, Trainer, Social Activist, Reiki Master, Pranic Healer