Be it foe or brother
Why bother to clone, condone
Another’s life style, think a while
Ponder, contemplate, take a long stroll
To comprehend your role & goal
In this lifetime.
Role models are great, so are mentors, teachers
They help you identify your giftedness
Shake your laziness, root out your doubts
Put you on the route of purpose stout
To arise from man to superman
Recognise your ‘aham brahmasi’ status
Out there it’s a people’s world where all
Look & talk like one another
From one sunrise to the other
So be yourself, no other
Not clone nor foe nor your brother
Pray for the angels to show you the way
To be by your side
When you falter, weaken, give in to wasteful ways
Deep down you have your own answers
You are your own judge & scribe
You are wise....your own best advice
Rise, above something worthwhile
Plant a tree, feed someone’s need
Do a good deed a day
Win a smile in some way
Water a withering plant
Do good…do soon
Heal like the Summer moon.
Shobha Lidder
Writer, Journalist, Teacher, Trainer, Social Activist, Reiki Master, Pranic Healer