Can I turn my weaknesses into strengths?
Can I honestly accept my poor health?
I could not be an athlete or be socially active
I did not host parties & shows
I was a bit slow
My friends were so fit & fair
They were zipping here & there
Flying in the air...the happening people
I withdrew into quietude
Of rustling leaves, birds, whispering breeze
I learnt the speech of mute animals
They said so much in their silence
I learnt silent ways of communicating
Watching & listening, reading & writing
Thinking & contemplating ...
They may not get you the center stage
Place you in the who’s who page
You don’t win public accolades, praise
Yet you can be so content, invent
Be creative in simple ways
Just adding spices to your whey
Doing acts of kindness to the needy
Smiling at a tired face
Water a starving tree, give a ‘nobody’ for free
You can win a few peaceful moments
Of simple joys.....so priceless
Which nothing can buy
Explore paradigms of inner contentment
Of doing ordinary things with a zing
Shine like the amber sun
Even when you are ‘no one’!
Shobha Lidder
Writer, Journalist, Teacher, Trainer, Social Activist, Reiki Master, Pranic Healer