The BJP Rath rallies

  • Abhishek Behl / FG
  • India
  • Aug 29, 2014




A large number of people gathered on Wednesday at the Prem Mandir in Gurgaon where the Vijay Sankalp Rally being organised by the BJP had reached. The Rally was received by GL Sharma, BJP leader, Gurgaon and a large number of his supporters, who had gathered in advance. BJP leader Bir Singh Yadav, who addressed the gathering from the official rath, exhorted the Party workers to unite and work hard to ensure that a government led by BJP comes to power in Haryana. The Vijay Sankalp Yatra will focus on ‘the misrule of the Congress’ during the last 10 years in the State. It aims to cover 23 Assembly constituencies in 11 days. GL Sharma said that the goal of this Yatra is to focus on corruption and nepotism that is today prevalent in government jobs, the suffering of farmers (through forced and wrong land acquisition), the regional bias in development, atrocities on backward classes and SC women, poor water and power supply, poor quality and status of roads and rise in un-employment, besides various anti-people policies of the Hooda government. At Badshahpur a number of programmes and meetings were held by various Party workers and activists, particularly those seeking the ticket. The Yatra has helped the BJP in mobilising the masses, but it has also brought to the fore the differences among the supporters of Rao Inderjit Singh and BJP Chief Rambilas Sharma - both of whom are being projected as the future Chief Minister of the State. Political watchers say that this tug of war for supremacy in Haryana would continue till the assembly elections are over and it becomes clear who has won the maximum seats for the Party. The BJP has still not finalised the names of Party candidates in Haryana, and it will now have to take a fresh look at the entire State as the alliance with the Kuldip Bishnoi led Haryana Janhit Congress (HJC) has snapped. Speculation is also rife that someone with an RSS background or strong connections with the Centre might parachute as the top leader.



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