Vedic Vaastu laid stress on proper selection of site for construction of a building. According to Vedic Vaastu, a piece of land should be so located that it receives the rays of the Sun. From the East, solar rays should directly enter the house, and energise the inhabitants. Also, enough space must be left open and uncovered in the North. North provides a positive magnetic field, to take care of the health and career development of the occupants of the dwelling.
All four corners should be at right angles. It is desirable to construct a compound wall at right angles also, parallel to the outer walls of the main building – specially at the South and the West. While building the compound wall, due care should be taken of the South and the West. Perimeter walls on these directions should be higher and thicker than other directions, to prevent the inflow of negative vibes. Lower and thinner walls in the East and the North allow entry of positive vibrations, and a pleasant ambience. No construction what-so-ever should be carried out on the perimeter walls. The compound walls are for the security of the house, and hence should be free of any loads – including guard room, reception office, garage, waiting room, electric meter room, generator room, servant room, cattle shed, or toilet.

During finalisation of the building plan Brahma sthal must be kept in mind. The centre of the building is Vaastu sthal. There should be no construction at that place. For working out Brahma sthal, the length and width of the plot of land should be divided into three equal parts. The central part is Brahma sthal.
In Vedic cosmology, the surface of the earth is represented as a square. The earth is represented as four-cornered, in reference to the horizon’s relationship with sunrise and sunset, and the North and South direction. It is called <Chaturbhuji> (four cornered) and represented in the form of the Prithvi Mandala. The astrological charts or horoscopes also depict, in a square plan, the positions of the sun, moon, planets and zodiac constellations.
For bigger plots, the area is divided into 81 parts, and the central area is called Brahma sthal. This place should be left without construction. In the illustration, the central shaded area is Brahma Sthal.
Vaastu energy emanates from the central part of the house (Brahma sthal), and not only from the east. Vaastu energy is subtle energy from the earth. Many assumptions made about Vaastu are untrue. Devices like Yantras, crystals etc. do not necessarily correct faulty Vaastu.
The Vaastu Purusha Mandala is an indispensable part of Vaastu Shastra, and constitutes the mathematical and diagrammatic basis for generating design. It is the plan of a building that incorporates the course of the heavenly bodies, and supernatural forces. Purusha refers to energy, power, soul or cosmic man. Mandala is the generic name for any plan or chart, which symbolically represents the cosmos.
The legend of the Vaastu Purusha says that once upon a time, a formless being blocked the heavens from the earth; and Brahma, with many other gods, trapped him to the ground. This incident is depicted graphically in the Vaastu Purusha Mandala, with portions allocated hierarchically to important deities.
The Vaastu Purusha is the presiding deity of any site. Usually he is depicted as lying on it with the head in the northeast and legs in the southwest; but he keeps changing position throughout the year.
Brahma occupies the central portion - the Brahmasthan – and other gods are distributed around in a concentric pattern. There are 45 gods in all, including 32 outer deities. The important ones are as shown in Table: 1

Muhurthas, at the four stages of construction, play an important part in giving the residents of a building peace and prosperity. The stages are:
1.Bhoomi Pujan, at the time of laying the foundation;
2.Erection of main door;
3.Roof laying/casting; and
4. Grah Pravesh
Narad Puran delineates details of Vaastu, for building for living and other purposes. It directs us to draw a rectangle, representing the length and width of the plot. Also, to draw a boundary. Decide on the location of doors. Each direction offers 8 options, which represent:
♦ Loss;
♦ Poverty;
♦ Money gains;
♦ Honour from the ruler;
♦ Affluence in abundance;
♦ Losses due to theft;
♦ Relentless anguish;
♦ Fear.
Some doors at a wrong place cause death, imprisonment, weakness, death of son, emergence of enemies, sudden monetary gains, devastation and misfortune, loss of spouse, and disease.
The width of a door should be half its height. Mahadwara or the main door lets in the Pranavayu, or the primary energies, into terrestrial habitation. The dimensions of the door should be carefully selected, for proper flow of these energies into the building.
Keep the centre of your building free of depressions, pillars, columns and water.
Land should be divided into 81 equal parts; the central nine parts are called Brahmasthan. The Brahmsthan area must be totally free of construction. It should be discernible. Similarly, 32 squares, along four direction perimeter walls—called Pishachansh—must be free from construction; because it brings sorrow, sadness and fear. Development of the remaining portion results in proliferation of male progeny and affluence.
Building construction should begin in auspicious months, as given below:
Margshirsh Mid Nov. to mid Dec.
Falgun 12 Feb to 12 Mar.
Vaishakh 13 Apr. to 13 May
Magh 13 Jan to 11 Feb.
Shravan 16 Jul to 15 Aug
Building construction (Graharambh) in the above months brings health, wealth, and a male child.
The village, colony or place of construction is called Sadhya; and the owner is Sadhak. It is advised in Narad Puran that the following are inimical, hence no construction of dwelling should be done. Draw a square, showing all the 8 directions, and write in the squares alphabets of Devanagri, commencing from East, as mentioned in Table: 2

Sadhak should start with the first letter of his name, and the first letter of Sadhya. If the letters are fifth from each other in the above chart, they will be inimical. Sadhak should not make a house, or live in that direction, for the sake of peace and tranquility.
For example: Kishore wants to make a house in Pawannagar. His varg is Kavarg; and Pawannagar varga is Pavarg – fifth from the Sadhak. The Lord of Kavarg is Cat, and that of Pavarg is Mouse. They are enemies.
The same Puran recommends the following constructions (with directions) at the suitable plot of land.
♦ Bath room East
♦ Kitchen NE
♦ Bedroom South
♦ Armoury SW
♦ Dining space W
♦ Treasure/wealth NW
♦ Temple NE
It is highly desirable that balance is maintained in the primary elements—Space, Water, Earth, Fire and Wind—of an area, while planning construction.
Orientation to the cardinal directions—North, South, West or East—must be followed. Orientation can also be based on your astrological sign.
Elevate the building to three feet above road level. The site or building should never face the angular directions i.e. North-East, North-West, South-East or South-West.
Create a depression all along the boundary wall within the site, by creating a green belt or flower path.
De-activate the Paisacha zone (of negative energies) by keeping the compound walls away from the main building. Raise the height and thickness of the compound wall in the west and south, and adjoining areas, as mentioned earlier.
The shadow of a tree, temple, hill, building and flag should not fall on the house. These objects cause inauspicious vedh.
Mandir chhayavedh occurs when the shadow of a temple falls on the building – from forenoon to afternoon. It disrupts peace, business and progress. Also delays matrimony of children, and obstructs growth of progeny.
Vriksha chhayavedh There should be no large tree near the house, because its shadow obstructs progress.
Parvat chhayavedh If the shadow of a hill falls on the building, it impedes free movement and causes obstruction in life. Also, the inhabitant suffers from defamation. There should be no hill in the east.
Bhawan Chhayavedh. If the shadow of adjacent building falls on the house, or on its well or bore well, it is called Bhawan chhayavedh. It results in severe financial losses.
Dhwaj chhayavedh If the shadow of a flag, flagpost, memorial monument or stupa falls on the building, it causes ill health and early demise.
There are six more vedhs. They emerge from Dwarvedh. They are known as Swarvedh, Kupvedh, Brahmavedh, Keelvedh, Stambhvedh and Vastu vedh.
Dwarvedh There should be no electric/ telephone pole, dry stump of tree, water tank or a transformer near the house.
Swarvedh is caused if a door makes a creaking sound, or closes automatically.
Kupvedh is caused if there is a well, septic tank, underground storage of water, or drainage at the entrance.
Brahmavedh is caused if there is an expeller, grinding mill, or tool sharpening machine at the entrance.
Keelvedh is caused if a peg exists at the entrance, to tie a goat, cow, bull, buffalo, horse or a dog.
Stumbhvedh is caused due to existence of a pole, pillar or monumental construction at the entrance.
Vastuvedh occurs when a store room, garage, out house, guard room is located at the main entrance of the house.
Above vedhs cause inauspicious happenings, loss of wealth, instability in life, clashes in family, obstruction in job and daily life, hamper growth, create difference of opinion among business partners, and cause loss of property.
The Vedhs may be avoided, for the sake of a happy life.