Kid Corner 1-7 May, 2015

  • FG Bureau
  • India
  • May 01, 2015


Mother Earth

Celebrating Earth Day is a means of educating and reminding ourselves that our planet needs to be conserved and nourished. Earth Day was celebrated in the Junior Wing  of American Montessori Public School.  At a special assembly, the choir group sang a song on ‘Mother Earth’. A Tearing and Pasting competition was also held.

Don’t Litter 
On Earth Day, Ryan International School, Sector 40 organised an Inter Section Skit Competition for Class IV on the topic: ‘If we litter the future will be bitter’.

Earth Day celebration at S.D. Adarsh Vidyalaya


Disaster Preparedness
The teachers of Ryan Global School conducted a workshop on Disaster Management. The students were sensitised on precautions to be taken during a natural calamity such as an earthquake. The students were instructed to remain calm and alert. Teachers and children also participated in an evacuation drill. Everyone in the School prayed for the victims of the Nepal earthquake and maintained a 2 minutes silence as a mark of respect for those who lost their lives in this disaster.

Calming the Mind
Students of Ryan International School, Sector 40 attended a workshop on ‘Aggression Management’. Aggression is a growing concern even among children these days. School Head Ms. Peeya Sharma nominated the student Peer Moderator to attend the Workshop, to understand the reasons for anger and to learn effective techniques for managing and constructively channelising children’s energies. The Peer Moderator then conducted in house sessions in the School.

Musing at the Museum
Gurugram Public School organised an educational trip for the students of Classes VI – VIII to the National Science Museum. ‘Emerging Technologies - A look into the future’, is the latest addition to the galaxy of galleries at the Museum. Some other galleries are: ‘Human Biology - the miracle of Human Life’; ‘Information Revolution’ - the march from cave paintings to the Internet; Fun Science’ - full of hands-on exhibits explaining the fundamentals of science.

My World of My Dreams

i dream of a church on the beach
where all go to preach  
i think of that beautiful beach
which i know is beyond my reach
i dream of a nation
without any dissension
where peace and prosperity rules
over the ocean blues
i dream of taking a risk
of touching the blazing asterisk
although it is only a dream
i wish to travel the realm        
i have an dream 
to eat an ice -cream
which is far more luscious than any treat
in the human world of greed
i dream that i’m a megaman
soaring the skies like superman
yet as sharp as batman
mixed with the humour of spiderman
i know my delusion
is nothing but mere illusion
yet to realize them i’ll try my best
and on god i leave the rest.

Archita Sharma
Class VIII A, Ryan International School, Sector 31


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