Humans invest in human relationships
Which have short shelf lives
Are fragile, unpredictable
Humans invest in human goals
And anchor their hopes forever
And think their rosy relationships
Will never outgrow
Then they spend their lives
Blaming, complaining of betrayals
The laws of karma are absolute
Face them without dispute
It is more difficult to predict your future
Than create it
Handle the present with care, beware
For what you create today
Will pave the way for tomorrow
Be it gain or sorrow
Walk the tightrope
Balance your mind body soul
Invest on the gift within you
Your talent or aptitude
Or just your helping attitude
Feel good, take a swig of elixir
The aphrodisiac is you, dear
Dependency on another is addiction
Repetitive compulsive action
Don’t feel sad when alone
You are the microcosm of the whole.
Shobha Lidder
Writer, Journalist, Teacher, Trainer, Social Activist, Reiki Master, Pranic Healer