AAP’s 70-Point Action Plan Based on ‘Delhi Dialogue’

  • Atul Sobti
  • India
  • Feb 13, 2015

AAP wishes to change the rules of the game, the system of governance. People will make the decisions, to solve their own problems, and elected representatives would implement those decisions. 

Delhi Janlokpal Bill will be passed; there will be a Citizens’ Charter in all govt. offices; Whistleblowers will be given protection and awarded

Swaraj Bill/Act will be passed – decisions affecting the local community will be taken by citizens and implemented by their Secretariat; a Citizen Local Area Development (C-LAD) Fund will be given to every Mohalla Sabha and RWA

Full Statehood for Delhi will be demanded

Electricity bills will be halved - there will be CAG Audit of power discoms and customers would be allowed to choose their discoms; Delhi’s own power station will be set up outside Delhi at a pithead (to meet peak demand of 6,200MW)

Delhi will be made a Solar City – Solar will be 20% of total energy by 2025

There will be a Right to Water: piped water connections will be extended to 14 lakh more households (50 lakh population) within 5 years; Free Lifeline water will be provided: upto 20,000 litres will be provided to every household per month through a DJB metered connection – there will be fair and transparent water pricing; water will be accessed from the Munak Canal, as per HC order; water resources will be augmented; there will be a crackdown on water mafia, leading to a transparent water distribution system; Rainwater Harvesting will be promoted

The Yamuna will be revived

200,000 eco public toilets will be built – 150,000 in slums/JJ clusters and 50,000 in public spaces; 50% of total toilets will be for women; there will be better Waste Management

500 new govt. schools will be set up

There will be an increase in spending on Education and Healthcare: a Higher Education guarantee scheme will be introduced – govt. will act as guarantor for higher education bank loans; 20 new degree colleges will be set up on the outskirts of Delhi, in partnership with villages; existing seat capacities of Delhi govt. administered colleges will be doubled; private schools’ fees will be regulated – capitation fee will be abolished; there will be transparency in school admissions, via a centralised online system; govt. schools will be ramped up and quality education provided -  17,000 new teachers will be appointed. Healthcare infrastructure will be expanded – 900 new PHCs will be set up and 30,000 more beds will be provided in hospitals (4,000 in maternity wards); quality drugs will be provided at affordable prices

On the road - adequate street lighting will be ensured (currently 70% lights do not work); effective last mile connectivity will be set up for the public transit system; CCTVs will be installed in public spaces and buses

Speedy Justice will be ensured - through 47 Fast-Track Courts; trials for crimes against women will be completed in 6 months; A Women’s security force – Mahila Suraksha Dal, will be set up, consisting of 10,000 Home Guards, as also 5,000 bus marshals; a Suraksha/SOS button will be recommended on every mobile phone

Delhi lawyers and judiciary will be empowered

All govt. services and forms will be available on your mobile

Governance in villages will be ensured through Gram Sabhas, which will be given Village Development Funds; Pro-farmer land reform will be introduced.

Delhi will be a Wi-Fi city.

Delhi will be promoted as a trade and retail hub; there will be no FDI in retail; Delhi will have the lowest VAT regime in India; there will be an end to VAT raids and Inspector Raj; VAT rules will be simplified (1 page VAT form for traders)

Delhi Skill Mission – 100,000 youth per year will be trained and enabled in the first 2 years, and thereafter 500,000 per year; 8 lakh jobs will be created in the next 5 years; Delhi will become a Start-Up Hub – 3 million sq. ft. of affordable business incubation space will be set up.

Contractual posts will be regularised – 55,000 vacancies will be immediately filled; 4,000 doctors and 15,000 nurses and paramedics will be made permanent; there will be emphasis on social security; local Mohalla Sabhas will provide licences to street vendors and hawkers in designated spaces

Pollution will be reduced – Delhi ridge will be protected

A Unified Transport Authority will be established; Bus services will be expanded - 5,000 will be added in 5 years; there will be a just and fair policy for e-rickshaws; Metro Rail 2.0 will cater to rural areas, and Ring Rail will be extended; there will be a fair arrangement for auto drivers

Resettlement colonies will be made freehold; unauthorised colonies will be regularised and transformed – within one year; affordable housing for all will be built – in the 200 acres available with the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board; there will be in situ development of slums – there will be no demolitions

Senior Citizens will be cared for; a universal and non-contributory old age pension system will be set up

Price rise will be controlled

AAP will work towards a Drug-free Delhi

The Disabled would be empowered – their 3% reservation would be strictly implemented 

Justice will be ensured for the victims of the anti-Sikh 1984 carnage – an SIT will be notified

Ex-Servicemen will be respected

All minorities will be ensured equality and development

Dignity will be accorded to safai karamcharis – existing employees will be regularised, they will be provided safety gear and medical insurance, and their families given Rs 50 lakhs if they die while on duty; the rights of all marginalised will be ensured

A sports culture will be promoted – the over 3,000 govt. school playgrounds will be made available to local communities after school hours

Local languages will be promoted – a second language status will be to Urdu and Punjabi

Our heritage and literature will be preserved; the Delhi Public Library network will be enhanced


AAP has identified 3 threats: Corruption, Communalism & Crony Capitalism.

Does AAP still stand for these 2014 
Manifesto points? 
(Minimum) quorum for marginalised groups in Gram Sabhas and Mohalla Sabhas); a Social Justice Ombudsman will oversee every sabha.
Gram Nyayalayas – for swift, accessible and affordable justice 
Police accountability to local sabhas; no more police custody (interrogation only in judicial custody); all public interaction areas in police stations will be videographed 
Media Policy – appropriate public accountability and regulation, cross media ownership regulation, curbing of ‘paid news’, boost to Community Radio and private radio
33% reservation for women in Parliament and State Legislatures
Dalit Muslims to be provided reservation – it should be religion neutral
Implement National Farmers Policy (Swaminathan Commission) - MSP fixed at 50% above input costs, MSP extended to 25 crops, incentives for organic produce; regulate GM crops 
Social Security for the unorganised sector (92% of workforce) – guidelines for wages, working hours, facilities and social security benefits
Direct transfer of ration to families, with the help of mohalla sabha; include dal and oil in PDS 
Promote AYUSH
Involve local community in the creation of a context-rooted curriculum and the management of schools, with accountability of schools/teachers to local sabhas; roll back FYUP (Delhi University).
AAP needs to be cautious on:
How Mohalla Sabhas will run (maybe learn from Gram Sabhas)
Stubbornly opposing FDI in retail, ostensibly because of a strong Kejriwal bias in favour of traders


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