A Guru & Mentor
Is a stopgap companion
You turn to him in time of duress
You cry, rant, fume and confess
You meditate, contemplate
Take a retreat in the Guru’s magnetic field
You repair your wear and tear
You heal
Now you are ready to take
Your next plunge
You are rejuvenated and feel young
And strong to face
Further challenges
Life is nothing but a string of
Golden grail
The eternal maze
One thinking will lead to another
One victory will beacon another
Failures will come to make us
Learn or unlearn from our mistakes
But our stakes will always be
Mastering success with our virtues
Of peace, love, purity, truth
Vanquishing the demons
Called vices
Each day widens our horizon
Though we all get equal opportunities
We are not all equal in life’s sequel
Be a winner but not win someone else’s due
Let someone else win too
Life is beatific for me & you!
Shobha Lidder
Writer, Journalist, Teacher, Trainer, Social Activist, Reiki Master, Pranic Healer