Inspire Yourself

  • Alka Gurha
  • India
  • Oct 05, 2012

As the title suggests, ‘What Life Taught Me’, by Madhavi Advani, is a motivational book – that underlines the importance of cultivating our minds. Most inspirational books promise their readers the potential of realising the true magnificence of life, and the power of positive thinking. There is plenty in ‘What Life Taught Me’, that motivates the reader to incorporate a simple, yet powerful, philosophy  of living.

According to the author, “The book is an attempt to share with my readers self-motivating articles that I have written, based on my personal experiences, and which I have grown to passionately believe in. I have seen incidents around me that have led to positivity and peace in life. Above all, this is to induce faith and belief in my readers about life: make them believe in their own selves, follow their passion, have faith and stay positive.”

In the first chapter on positivity, Madhavi talks about focusing on all the good in our lives. She goes on to elucidate steps to believe in the power of positive thought – that drives away stress and depression. The inspiring book provides a step-by-step approach to live life to its highest potential. The chapter on etiquette, manners and values is insightful, as it motivates the reader to embrace courtesy, kindness and gratitude. 

Written in simple yet appealing prose, this slim volume is interspersed with some inspirational quotes and stories. However, there are parts where the book adopts a preachy tone, and the reader yearns to relate more to real life experiences than historical anecdotes.

We live in stressful times ,where disillusioned youngsters are increasingly falling prey to depression and anxiety. This is where a motivational book like ‘What Life Taught Me’ becomes significant. 


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